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Basketball Play - 5 Minute Competitive Shooting Drill

5 Minute Competitive Shooting Drill

Dymetrius Ware 08/16/2022

1 starts at coaches box/sideline and sprints into a wing 18 foot jump shot.... 1 backpedals three times and sprints into a corner 3-pointer. 1 sprints through the key to opposite corner back up to the coaches box/sideline and turns and sprints for an 18-footer from the wing. 1 backpedals three times and then sprints for a corner 3 Repeat this pattern until players has shot 16 shots . To make it competitive put a time limit on it and number of makes as a goal. See More

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Basketball Play - Competitive Shell 3v3 & 4v4

Competitive Shell 3v3 & 4v4

Randy Sherman 10/15/2020

Competitive version of shell drill where a score followed by a stop equals a point and a team must gain three points to win. Drawn 3v3 but can be 4v4 as well. Setup and rules in frame descriptions. Radius Athletics exists to serve, grow and develop basketball coaches at all levels. How do we do this? Simple. Pillars of Radius Athletics Move coaches towards simple, seamless basketball characterized by conceptual offense, transition flow and a defensive approach befitting the modern game Promote a practice philosophy in line with Growth Mindset and Motor Learning An “Essentialist” approach to creating a program identity Modernization of the professional development model for basketball coaches - Radius Athletics Info *New customers use discount code SAVE10 at purchase:* See More

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Basketball Play - 3-on-3 Flow - Competitive Conditioning

3-on-3 Flow - Competitive Conditioning

Joel Hueser 06/16/2018

3-on-3 Flow (aka Flow Ball) is another one of our team favorites. Credit goes to @John_Leonzo for this fastbreak conditioner. We love it for a variety of reasons, but mostly for its emphasis on defensive transition and uptempo offense. We have adapted the following scoring rules: 1) Play to 15 using 2's and 3's. 2) Player who scores game winner must validate with a made freet hrow. 3) Should the player miss, team score returns to 11 and play resumes. See More

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Basketball Play - Messina Transition Drill (3v3 Continuous)

Messina Transition Drill (3v3 Continuous)

Kostas Kalogeropoulos 10/04/2022

Great transition drill, good for conditioning and decision making on the fly. Team is divided in two groups of six players each (blue - white). Three players from blue team begin the drill by attacking and then running back to defense (defensive transition). Defensive players (white team) pass the ball to their teammates waiting outside the court. So, the flow for each three players sub-group is this: offense and back to defense, then out. Offense has only six seconds to take a shot since getting the ball in backourt. The team scoring five points first wins the set, every basket counts for one, if a shooting foul is commited then one point is awarded. Play to two or three winning sets. Variations: a) increase offense time to eight seconds and apply early pick and roll or any transition action you like to run. b) make tunrovers count as minus one point, to make players serious about their decision making. c) count game like score and play to 11 points. See More

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Basketball Play - SSG: Help & Rotate (3v3 to 4v4)

SSG: Help & Rotate (3v3 to 4v4)

Tony Miller 09/23/2022

Watch the viedo below as Coach Tony Miller uses FastDraw, the #1 play diagramming program for basketball coaches, to share this Small Sided Game that’s perfect for your preseason workouts. It teaches so many concepts in one drill, primarily for defense but also develops offensive habits as well. Send to FastDraw using the button above. Get FastDraw (new subscribers use code: SAVE10) Follow Coach Miller on Twitter View Coach Miller's Playbank page for more plays & drills More FastDraw content from Coach Miller: SSGs for Player Development & Team Offense SSGs for Ball Screen Offense Brad Stevens Playbook Check out the latest coaching content from FMS See More

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Basketball Play - SSG: 2v2 Ball Screen with Help

SSG: 2v2 Ball Screen with Help

Tony Miller 08/08/2022

Watch the video below as Coach Tony Miller uses FastDraw, the #1 play diagramming program for basketball coaches, to demonstrate this Small Sided Game for a 2v2 setting. It trains quick decision making as the offensive player must decide to pass or score depending on whether they see the defender's chest or not. Send to FastDraw using the button above. Get FastDraw (new subscribers use code: SAVE10) Follow Coach Miller on Twitter View Coach Miller's Playbank page for more plays & drills More FastDraw content from Coach Miller: SSGs for Player Development & Team Offense SSGs for Ball Screen Offense Brad Stevens Playbook Check out the latest coaching content from FMS See More

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Basketball Play - Dr. Dish: 32 Point Shooting Drill

Dr. Dish: 32 Point Shooting Drill

Tony Miller 07/08/2022

Watch the video below as Coach Tony Miller uses FastDraw, the #1 play diagramming program for basketball coaches, to share this competitive and fun shooting drill. The scoring system is sure to have your players engaged and motivated to record the highest score possible, and attempt a perfect score. Send to FastDraw via the button above. Get FastDraw (new subscribers use code: SAVE10) Follow Coach Miller on Twitter View Coach Miller's Playbank page for more plays & drills More FastDraw content from Coach Miller: SSGs for Player Development & Team Offense SSGs for Ball Screen Offense Brad Stevens Playbook Check out the latest coaching content from FMS See More

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Basketball Play - Side Ball Screen Shooting Drill

Side Ball Screen Shooting Drill

Zachary Weir 05/12/2022

Great ball screen shooting drill utilizing a shooting machine. Several different variations of shots, passes, and moves can be used to get great reps using a side ball screen. Add time and score for a competitive, conditioning aspect to this drill. A defender can also be added on the ball handler, screener or both to add a decision making element to this drill. Some examples of progressions/skills to rep: - hook pass - pocket pass - reverse pivot and pass and more - ball handler can use a live dribble or a move out of his/her pivot Defender/Decion making progression : - both defeners trap - ballhandlers defener goes under - Hard Hedge by the screeners defender See More

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