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Basketball Play - Inferno Drill

Inferno Drill

Greg White 08/19/2012

One of my favorite drills is The Inferno. This is a great October 15th drill because it immediately raises the intensity level or shows the lack of it. What you'll need: 3 Passers 4 Offensive players 4 Defensive players 1 Ball 1 Box of band-aids (if it's a successful drill.) Players begin on the elbows and blocks. This drill is for 8 minutes. The team's roles will switch at the 4 minute mark. There are no substitutions for the 8 involved. When the ball is at the top, the offense down screens. When the ball is on the wing, players screen across. To keep the drill competitive, and it won't take much, use one of the following scoring systems: Each catch = 5 defensive pushups (5 keeps the speed going plus a good screening group will average 20 catches in 4 minutes) Each catch = 1 pt for elbow catch, 2pts for catch on the block. Keep track and at the end of 8 minutes losing team has a reminder drill. Each catch = live four on four. Offense gets whatever shot they score, Defense gets 2 for a stop, 3 for a charge, etc.. See More

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Basketball Play - 1v1 Slot

1v1 Slot

Marc Hart 10/12/2023

1v1 Slot works on the shoot or drive decision. I am a dribble drive motion offense coach so we worked on driving the slot, then our stride stops. We then turned into a small sided game by the passer closing out. Score it, put players on teams, but make it competitve: first player to 3 wins or seperate them into two teams and team with most points wins after certain amount of time or point score. See More

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