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Basketball Play - Flash Gap

Flash Gap

Dana Beszczynski 09/03/2013

The Michigan Wolverines used this set against the Louisville Cardinals in the NCAA Championship game. The set incorporates a lot of cuts and rub screens to free players for possible shots. What makes this so efffective is the "reads" the Wolverines make in order to get the shots they want against the match-up zone of the Cardinals. See More

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Basketball Play - Post Pop

Post Pop

Dana Beszczynski 09/02/2013

Louisville Cardinals post pop action off transition. The Cardinals ran this set in the opening minutes of their NCAA Championship game against Michigan. 1 sets a good screen in the lane pinning x5 allowing 5 to pop completely free to the FT line area for an open 15' shot. See More

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Basketball Play - Trickle (1-4 High)

Trickle (1-4 High)

Adam Spinella 08/01/2013

Too often, 1-4 High offenses neglect post players because they're designed to accentuate the perimeter scorers - getting baskets for your post men is just as important, if not more important, when your normal motion sets don't accentuate it. Trickle is a play designed to get one of the post players a quick opportunity for a layup or post move. See More

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Basketball Play - Lancer Post Fist

Lancer Post Fist

Adam Spinella 07/30/2013

Teams with post players that need to get their touches have to be creative about how they get the ball into the post. In Post Fist, the action starts on one side, completely clears the area, and then allows the post player to enter the recently vacated space and post up. See More

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Basketball Play - Loop Elevator

Loop Elevator

Adam Spinella 07/26/2013

This play was taken from Mark Jackson and the Golden State Warriors. With the three elite three-point shooters that the Warriors had, Jackson would use this play to free one of them up at a time, bringing them off an elevator screen to the top of the key. The set does a good job disguising which player will be the shooter. See More

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Basketball Play - Open Flare

Open Flare

Adam Spinella 07/24/2013

This is a great end of game play for a team to use in a Secondary Break. With about 7 or 8 seconds left on the clock, there is enough time to dribble up in the full court and engage in this action. Likely it has to be a practiced and a default set; if it were to be drawn in a huddle for a late-game play it is likely the defense would apply some sort of full-court pressure, meaning more time would be needed to execute the set. See More

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Basketball Play - Huskie Low

Huskie Low

Adam Spinella 07/23/2013

UCONN Women's Basketball Coach Geno Auriemma uses this play on occasion to free up a shooter and a post for good looks at a shot. While the PG isolates and dribbles on the wing there is a lot of misdirection action in traffic near the paint. I like to think of this play a little bit like an off-centered Triple Screen that leads into a post cross screen. See More

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Basketball Play - 1-4 Euro

1-4 Euro

Adam Spinella 07/15/2013

This play out of a 1-4 High set is one of my favorite quick-hitting sets, particularly in the end of a game. It draws up a quick three-pointer for a stretch 4 and an opportunity for a slipped layup at the rim. It's simple enough to be run at a variety of levels, provided your team has a solid decision-maker and passer who can play the wing. See More

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Basketball Play - Atlanta "45" Series

Atlanta "45" Series

Daniel Murphy 06/27/2013

Another series Atlanta ran in their win over the Sun on 6/23. The set begins with a simple cross screen and from there the ball can go inside or outside. The key to the play is Atlanta has a versitile Olympian at the 4. She's a 6'1 guard/forward who can finish inside, shoot the three or drive the ball to the basket. The cross screen-rip screen post iso was an effective way to get the ball in the post. See More

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Basketball Play - Heat Iverson Misdirection

Heat Iverson Misdirection

Kevin Bruinsma 06/25/2013

The Miami Heat ran this play to get Lebron James running off an Iverson Cut. Wade who is the 2 man follows James' Iverson cut and dribbles the ball to the top of the key. Miami uses James star power as a mis-direction and as Wade dribbles to the top following James the 5 man sets a cross screen in the lane for Chris Bosh who just got done screening for James on the Iverson cut. Wade turns back and passes to Bosh popping to the cleared out side. See More

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