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Basketball Play - Princeton Offense - Multi-Option Set: "Hawk"

Princeton Offense - Multi-Option Set: "Hawk"

Matt Hackenberg 12/12/2021

This is a long form play with multiple options from a Princeton alignment and a floppy action to feature a dynamic player. If the player can drive, shoot, post up, finish off the cuts or use a ball screen there are options to do so. We used the play to feature a shooter, but a post up player or a driver could also be used, just different options would need to be emphasized. Browse more coaching content available on the Sellfy store: Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO See More

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Basketball Play - 1-3-1 Zone Offense: Low Back Screen Continuity - "Bear"

1-3-1 Zone Offense: Low Back Screen Continuity - "Bear"

Matt Hackenberg 12/10/2021

This offense was implemented to help incorporate constant screening and cutting into a continuity offense. There are options to score on cuts, post ups, down screening and slips. We've found wrinkles and set plays from within the base offense that have been effective. Browse more coaching content available on the Sellfy store: Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO See More

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Basketball Play - Euro Ball Screen into Floppy (Set Play)

Euro Ball Screen into Floppy (Set Play)

Matt Hackenberg 12/09/2021

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play that evolves directly from the Euro Ball Screen Offense, designed to get a shooter a look coming off screening action. I love masking actions out of your base man offense. It really throws defenses off the scent of the action, and makes it harder for opponents to gain an advantage through scouting. Take a look at my Sellfy store for detailed coaching content for sale including a complete guide to this offense - See More

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Basketball Play - Slice Stagger Continuity

Slice Stagger Continuity

Matt Hackenberg 12/07/2021

This action in the diagram and embedded video uses a hard curl on a slice screen to try to put pressure on the defense. If the screen is solid and the cut hard, it sets up a stagger screen very well. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO See More

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Basketball Play - 5 Out Triple Stagger DHO

5 Out Triple Stagger DHO

Matt Hackenberg 12/07/2021

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play out of a 5 Out alignment to create a driving gap. We pin down screen into a DHO to create the gap, and space a shooter in the corner to keep the defense honest. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO See More

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Basketball Play - Push Zip Iverson Series

Push Zip Iverson Series

Matt Hackenberg 12/07/2021

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a series of plays that all play off of each other. The series uses the same movement pattern to make it difficult for the defense to understand what is going to happen through scouting. Some of the these actions are pretty clever! Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO See More

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Basketball Play - UCLA Duck Stagger

UCLA Duck Stagger

Matt Hackenberg 12/06/2021

In this diagram and embedded video we have a set play sometimes referred to as “moon” action but with a little twist. The twist is a quick point guard duck in before using the stagger screen. I like this design because it has actions happening on both sides of the court at the same time, which keeps the help side occupied. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - See More

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Basketball Play - 1-4 High: UCLA Floppy Duck

1-4 High: UCLA Floppy Duck

Matt Hackenberg 12/06/2021

In diagram and embedded video we look at a set play out of a 1-4 high alignment. After a wing entry and UCLA screen, the ball is centered and there is an option to use screens on either side for a shooter. If a shot isn’t there off the screen, it’s time for those screeners to seal up for an interior touch. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO See More

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Basketball Play - 32 "Strong" (Twin Post Continuity)

32 "Strong" (Twin Post Continuity)

Matt Hackenberg 12/01/2021

In this diagram we look at a continuity offense to get the ball inside. The set features multiple options to feed a single post player. The action can be ran to feature two bigs at the same time if you have the luxury of multiple interior threats. When we ran this offense, we had two bigs that could both play inside and feed each other on the high/low. All the options of the offense are explored in the embedded video. Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - See More

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Basketball Play - 1-2-2 Zone Offense: Stagger Slip

1-2-2 Zone Offense: Stagger Slip

Matt Hackenberg 11/24/2021

This is a zone set using a 1-2-2 alignment. I love the play because if nothing materializes, you are left with a 1-3-1 alignment that plays well against most zones. The ball is entered to the wing, and the wing uses a drag dribble down the sideline to shift the defense. The ball is returned to 1 who dribbles to the other side of the court while reading the defense. The action is a stagger screen with a slip into the middle of the defense. Our primary look is the slip to the middle, but we would take the stagger if the defense didn't cover it. Getting the slip in the middle opens up many options for the offense - shot, kick down, kick out. See More

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Basketball Play - Push Zip Iverson Series

Push Zip Iverson Series

Matt Hackenberg 11/23/2021

This is a series of plays that all originate out of the same basic movement pattern. The movement pattern masks the outcome of the play to help against teams that are well prepared through scouting. The series of plays is designed to feature a dynamic soring point guard. The push zip iverson action helps create safe movement against teams that like to pressure. I like the series of plays because it allows for creativity from a dynamic player (the side ball screen), looks for cheap points (blind pig and backdoor), and gets a shooter a a good look for three in a crafty way. Follow me on Twitter where I post often - @CoachHackGO Visit my Sellfy store for detailed basketball coaching content - See More

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