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Basketball Play - Zalgiris Kaunas - Side PNR Spain Action

Zalgiris Kaunas - Side PNR Spain Action

Kostas Kalogeropoulos 04/20/2018

Coach Sarunas Jasikevicius of Zalgiris Kaunas likes to camouflage Spain PNR action by starting with a diamond set, misleading the defense to believe it's a choice set for a guard. The back screen is set by a good shooter, so if his defender commits to 5's roll, he'll have an open shot. Great play to use in late game situations or for a surprise score. FMS Blog: Zalgiris Kaunas - Offensive Series Breakdown See More

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Basketball Play - Horns Flex Zipper Weave

Horns Flex Zipper Weave

Evan Orzolek 06/10/2017

Common ball screen set run by Ratiopharm Ulm who won the Germany-BBL regular season title. The set starts in a horns alignment and includes a flex screen, zipper screen, and dribble weave action into the spread pick and roll. Many teams in Europe will commoly have different entries that eventually flow into the spread pick and roll to create confusion amongst the defense. The defense must defend mutiple different actions with this spread pick and roll entry and will have to properly communicate in order to properly defend the dribble weave ball screen. See More

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