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Basketball Play - Zip Slot BS Double Flare

Zip Slot BS Double Flare

Matt Hackenberg 02/23/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a sideline inbound play for a double flare screen three-pointer. The zipper into the slot ball screen stretches the defense side to side, then the double flare screen stretches it back the other way. This is an interesting way to put pressure on the defense east and west. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO See More

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Basketball Play - DHO Misdirection Flare

DHO Misdirection Flare

Matt Hackenberg 02/14/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play out of a 3-2 alignment for a flare screen three-pointer. I love how simple this action is, and I like how limited it is in the number of players touching the ball. I think sets like this are sure-fire good looks 2-3 times a game if spaced out properly. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO See More

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Basketball Play - LSU Tigers - Diamond Fist

LSU Tigers - Diamond Fist

Dave Nedbalek 11/18/2020

This is set that teams across the country run a variation of. Low to high, small to big back screen for a deep post catch. I have added the flare screen to the end because inadvertently it worked for LSU in the clip below. This set will get a two-foot paint catch or a wide open three. #Top25XsOs: Honorable Mention Teams | Teams 25-21 | Teams 20-16 | Teams 15-11 | Teams 10-6 | Teams 5-1 *New customers use discount code SAVE10 at purchase* See More

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Basketball Play - CSKA Moscow - Special Low Clock SLOB

CSKA Moscow - Special Low Clock SLOB

Kostas Kalogeropoulos 08/25/2019

Special SLOB play that CSKA Moscow head coach Dimitris Itoudis ran during the 2019 EuroLeague final vs Anadolu Efes. Note that no time out was called and it took place in the 2nd period, but it can also be used for a late game situation. The 4 kas a key part, since after setting the flare screen he moves in order to confuse or bump 1's defender. See video below. Blog Post: CSKA Moscow - Early Offense Breakdown See More

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Basketball Play - 5 Out Motion Offense: Middle Push Reads

5 Out Motion Offense: Middle Push Reads

KJ Smith 08/14/2018

The following reads are made in both the primary and secondary break. They can be the building blocks of an entire offensive system while developing the IQ and skill sets of your players. Circle: Corner player cuts to the rim as the wing player fades towards the corner for a shot. Drop: Wing player dives to the rim as the corner player lifts up to the wing for a shot. Down: Wing down screen towrads the corner where that player may fill up to the rim for a shot as well as curl or backdoor cut to the rim. The screener will either slip to the rim or pop out to the perimeter. Up: Corner lifts up to flare screen for the wing before slipping to the basket. The cutter may also curl to the rim. If the flare screener does not slip to the basket, they may sprint to the ball for a dribble handoff. See More

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Basketball Play - Miami Hurricanes - ATO Backdoor

Miami Hurricanes - ATO Backdoor

Matt Wheeler 03/15/2018

The Miami Hurricanes were able to get a backdoor layup out of a timeout with this play in their first round NCAA Tournament game against Loyola-Chicago. After passing to 4, 1 followed the pass looking for a handoff. 5 then set a flare screen for 2. This occupied the help defense on the right side of the floor, and isolated 3 against his defender. As 4 dribbled at him, 3 faked toward the ball then made a hard cut backdoor for a layup. See More

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Basketball Play - Stack Split

Stack Split

Evan Orzolek 07/24/2017

BLOB run by Iberostar in the Liga ACB. Hard action to guard with multiple screens occuring in simulataneous actions. 2 should usually always be open in the corner at the end and if x5 hedges on the flare screen to the opposite corner, have the 5 slip to the basket for a layup. See More

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Basketball Play - Box Warriors

Box Warriors

Rory Hamilton 07/21/2017

The play looks to take advantage of a switch using a backscreen on a guard and then rolling big immediately to the basket. Initial Set-up: Box Alignment with post players on the blocks and guards at the elbows. Play can be initiated on either side with a pass to the wing. Guards should catch as close to FT extended as possible. The point guard fills to ball side corner and the weakside guard fills to slot area. The ball side post sprints to catch the ball at the strong side elbow. Once the post player has caught the ball she immediately turns to the inside while the weak side post comes up and sets a back screen for the slot guard. The guard cuts off the screen demanding and forcing the switch. The post player screens and seals guard and immediately rolls back to the ball and receives a pass for layup. The ball side guards interchange or screen to occupy the defense. You can also run the same action off of a flare screen. This would be a good option if you have a great shooter. See More

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