Iona "Slice"
03/10/2016Slice action out of Iona's 4-out motion offense to get a curl to the rim. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawSlice action out of Iona's 4-out motion offense to get a curl to the rim. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawPart of Iona's 4-out motion offense, a flare screen after several ball reversal. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawFlare screen option out of a basic ballscreen. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawDesigned in early offense, to get a ballscreen and then into a weak flare screen for a shot. See More
Favorite Send to FastDraw1-4 High action designed to look for a lob. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawBaseline out of bounds set designed for a stretch 4. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawBaseline screen off the ballscreen entry. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawFlare set designed as a lob counter to get a guard an open shot. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawA lot of times off of an Iverson cut the ball simply goes to the wing. Allen Crabbe went off of the last screen and instead of popping out, he went right to the basket. If your team has an Iverson series, this is a good set to run to keep the defense on their toes. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawThe Evansville Purple Aces play in the one of the most competitive Conferences in America the Missouri Valley Conference. Marty Simmons is the true greats in program history as a Purple Aces player and he now enters his 9th season at the helm of the program. In 2015, Simmons coached the Aces to a record of 24-12 and the CIT Championship. This Box Set has a little bit of everything in it and can be used to get a post-up for a strong 3 man, free up a shooter off the double stagger action, and also be used to get a FT line jumper or Hi / Lo. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawDesigned to again get the player attacking to their strong hand, this set off the "AI-Iverson Cut" has options for players to attack off of. The first option is for the player to score and attack the rim, the second is if the defense collapses then look to kick to the big cutting off the hammer screen and finally a throwback set to get misdirection into a guard coming off a throwback screen. For the throwback screen it is important if the team "ICES" the ballscreen and you have already attacked the rim off the Iverson cut, then this will open up this counter even more, making it look like you are attacking and then throw it back for an open look. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawAnother set that uses Boston's versatility very well with their big men's shooting ability. When they need a 3 point shot they usually run this action in which a big receives a pass, flips it back to the guard right away and then receives a flare screen for a look from 3. I like the options this set offers in which the guard who receives the flip back can attack right away, this can draw the big man's defender in, and then look to hit the big off the flare for an open shot. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawThis is my favorite Brad Stevens set that he runs at the end of games when his team needs a 3 point shot and it almost always results in an open look for Avery Bradley. Beginning with the player you want to receive the flare screen, he zipper cuts to the top of the key as a decoy. After the zipper cut, a guard on the weakside block sets a backscreen for a big (3-4 man) to cut toward the rim on the opposite side of the key and receive a pass. After the big catches the pass, the other big man sets a flare screen for the initial guard to get an open look from 3. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawThis set is designed to get misdirection action before a flare screen for Jae Crowder. Both bigs at the elbows, one receives the pass and Crowder looks to screen away for the point guard. This is misdirection action and is looking to freeze his defender before flaring off a screen from the opposite big to get an open shot. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawThis is a great end-of-game set to get the ball to your playmaker. I stole this from Tim Floyd at UTEP after seeing them run it against Western Kentucky (2/6/16). UTEP plays small and has their best play-maker (Lee Moore, who is truly a guard) playing the 4. Ideally on this set you would like your play-maker to be switched onto by the other team's 5 man. See More
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