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Basketball Play - 5 NBA Shooting Drills

5 NBA Shooting Drills

Michael Shaughnessy 09/12/2018

Here are 5 of my favorite shooting drills that I like to use in workouts with my players. They are challenging, competitive, and fun helping players become more efficient shooters. Try them out! Click here for more player development drills from Mike Shaughnessy Mike Shaughnessy x FastModel Sports - Twitter Takeover See More

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Basketball Play - Run Out Shooting 1v1

Run Out Shooting 1v1

Michael Shaughnessy 08/27/2018

Having players that can knock down shots is obviously a huge advantage for any team. The more players a team has that are high percentage shooters, the better that team will be on the offensive end of the floor. It's not just about making the shots when they are wide open, but also being able to make shots without being distracted by a defender attempting to run a shooter off the 3pt line. This drill is a great way to add that defensive element to make your shooting drills more game-like for players. Emphasize focus on the basket and not thinking twice with a defender closing out. Give it a try! Check out Mike's #FastModelTakeover Twitter Moment for an inside look at the life of a pro skills trainer and some awesome player development content! See More

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Basketball Play - Blind Shooting

Blind Shooting

Michael Shaughnessy 08/17/2018

This is a shooting drill I started using this summer that adds decision-making for the player and holds them accountable to to be shot ready at all times. The pace of the game is always changing where players have to make quick decisions when receiving the basketball. Coaches can't stand when the ball "sticks" and there is a lack of movement. Players have to develop these reactionary skills in order to be one step ahead of the defense when receiving the ball that will not just benefit the player, but the team. Adding in "commands" where players have to process information during drills is an element that I feel will take skill development to a another level. View: Mike Shaughnessy #FastModelTakeover - Twitter Moment See More

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Basketball Play - Klay Thompson Shooting

Klay Thompson Shooting

Michael Shaughnessy 08/12/2018

Klay Thompson is arguably the best in the league at creating his own shot without the ball. He is able to constantly move and cut at different speeds and directions and stay efficient when creating catch and shoot opportunities, making him a true weapon for the Warriors. Here is a five-shot series to work on cutting with pace yet being "shot ready" when arriving to each spot on the floor. View: Mike Shaughnessy #FastModelTakeover - Twitter Moment See More

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Basketball Play - Maverick Shooting

Maverick Shooting

Jordan Petersen 07/27/2018

Drill to work on multiple game like shots from spots players will take them in games. Players will work on shooting 3's, pull-ups and side steps. Note: Dotted line represents a shot in these diagrams. On the FMS Blog: Ball Handling Skills and Drills Dynamic Drills That Utilize Cones Scoring Made Simple: 3 Shots to Practice Click for more #PlayerDevelopment content! See More

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Basketball Play - All Star Shooting

All Star Shooting

Jordan Petersen 07/25/2018

Shooting drill that works on shooting off the catch and 1-2 stepping into the shot. Can be done with a partner/rebounder or alone. As always, take it to another level by making it competitive for time or score. This helps players go game speed! Click for more #PlayerDevelopment content! See More

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Basketball Play - SGP Shooting Series

SGP Shooting Series

Zachary Weir 07/24/2018

SGP Shooting Series is a drill that we run daily. It is a great drill for building not only shooting, passing, and dribbling skills - but also chemistry between players. This drill is used as a drill to work on reads versus defense and passing accuracy as well. We really stress pace of play in our offense and this drill is great for getting the players to feel the speed and pace they need to work at. Rules for the drill: Our goal is 10 shots per 1 min. With our better shooters we will go 12 per 1 min. We will go 12 minutes ideally, but on days that we fit this series into our individual drills we will go at the very least 8 minutes. You must thank the passer when you make a shot. You must call out the action that you are performing - i.e, curl, fade, etc. Alternate in air passes and bounce passes. Progression Coach as a defender Add secondary defender to read if players are ready Can also have the ball handler make a move off the dribble instead of triple threat See More

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Basketball Play - Player Development: Star Shooting

Player Development: Star Shooting

Tony Miller 07/24/2018

Make this shooting drill competitive by adding a timed element or a score element (or both). We will often do "Best out of 5." You could also do "Best out of 10" and have the player go through the 5 spots twice. The drill also serves as a great conditioning drill. It's best to use a rebounder. Click for more #PlayerDevelopmentWeek content! See More

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Basketball Play - Schrempf Shooting Drill

Schrempf Shooting Drill

Joel Hueser 07/06/2018

Blog Post: Scoring Made Simple - 3 Easy and Effective Shots to Practice Detlef Schrempf Shooting Drill teaches scoring with the back to basket. We encourage ALL of our players to master these three moves: Jump Hook Drop Step Up & Under. Emphasize the 3 C's: Catch Chin Check. Click for more #PlayerDevelopmentWeek content! See More

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