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Basketball Play - Triangle #2 - lag pass / pinch post

Triangle #2 - lag pass / pinch post

null null 01/08/2015

The lag pass or floor reversal option is a staple in the triangle offense. If the first post up option is not open, reverse and look for the pinch post. Coaches can get creative on the actions they want to run. Dribble handoffs, isolations, and pick and rolls all can be incorported. Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, and Carmelo Anthony all have had success in the pinch post See More

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Basketball Play - Triangle #1 - post feed

Triangle #1 - post feed

null null 01/08/2015

This triangle action post feed is a very basic play in the triangle offense. I watched this then took notes. This is the first of 4 basic plays of the offense. This play can be used on any post feed from either side. The Jordan Bulls, and Kobe / Shaq Lakers ran this very well. The 2014-15 Derek Fisher Knicks also use this post entry look. The Steve Kerr Warriors use multiple post entry looks See More

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Basketball Play - Elbow Pin Elevator

Elbow Pin Elevator

Kyle Gilreath 01/08/2015

This is another play Billy Donovan ran last night in their victory over South Carolina. While the emphasis of this play is to get 3 a shot via the elevator screen, there is also an inside opportunity as well. By placing Finney-Smith at the 3, this game the Gators a bigger target inside off the initial pin-down action. Furthermore, with so much attention at the FT-line area, this is also a great opportunity for 1 to ball fake and drive baseline to the rim with the only help defender being X2. See More

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Basketball Play - Horns Twist Double

Horns Twist Double

Kyle Gilreath 01/08/2015

The Florida Gators ran this Horns action in their Southeastern Conference opening win vs South Carolina. I have seen this play run recently but what I liked about this action was how 4 cleaned up the action at the end with the staggered pick & roll. Spacing 2 and 3 in the corners allows for an open/spaced floor for 5 to sprint to the rim while 1 tries to create. See More

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Basketball Play - Chin Set

Chin Set

Craig LeVasseur 01/05/2015

A basic Chin set into a ballscreen. This is a good option for getting your 2 or 3 into a high ballscreen. Against Weak coverage against the ballscreen, flip the angle of the screen to set up a Spread P/R and a single side bump situation for your shooting 3. See More

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Basketball Play - Elbow Running Screen

Elbow Running Screen

Kevin Noon 01/04/2015

This is a good play for teams with big guards who have an advantage in post up situations. The objective of this play is to clear out a side and allow the guard to post up while still having other valuable options if that is taken away. This is a great play that can be run after time outs, if you need a quick 2 or a 3 for a good shooter. Ideally this is a play with a perimeter oriented 4 man, big guards who can post up and good 3pt shooters. Bigs set up in down screen action with guards low. 1 initiates the offense by picking a side to take the basketball. Guards will come off opposite the side the basketball is taken. Ball side big will then turn and set a back screen on other bigs man. First guard will curl to the block and 2nd guard will curl to the top looking for a 3. 4 pops and 5 ducks in looking for a post up. It forces the defense to make quick decisions and be in the right help defensive positions. Bigs line up in down screen action. 1 picks a side to take the ball. Guards come off screen opposite the basketball. 1st look: 2 posting up on the empty block 2nd look: 3 coming off screen for 3pt shot 3rd look: 1 hits 3 , 3 hits 4, 4 gets a shot 4th look: 1 hits 3, 3 hits 4, 4 hits 5 in the post. 4 is popping as soon as 3 curls to the top 5 is ducking in for a post up See More

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