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Basketball Play - 12-13 Wisconsin Green Bay - High Post Entry with Back Screen, Cross Screen & Down Screen

12-13 Wisconsin Green Bay - High Post Entry with Back Screen, Cross Screen & Down Screen

Basketball HQ 03/23/2013

For this set make your high post entry to your best passing big. Line up your biggest wing opposite corner of where the high post entry pass is going, so if the defense switches guard to guard screening action, you have a size mismatch. Make sure you sell to your point guards that setting a good cross screen will help get them an open shot off of 5's down screen. This play is from the 2012-2013 Wisconsin Green Bay season. See More

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Basketball Play - Ball Screen with Cross Screen & Down Screen

Ball Screen with Cross Screen & Down Screen

Basketball HQ 02/10/2013

This play is from the 2010-2011 Houston Rockets season. The big key for this play to work is having a post player that can make a pass out of the post. You have to make sure you get the timing down of your 5 man rolling off of the ball screen into the cross screen from 2, and your 4 man receiving the pass from 1. If you can train your 4 man to make the read on slipping the down screen set for 2, you will be able to get him easy lay ups. See More

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Basketball Play - Double Cross Screen Post Up

Double Cross Screen Post Up

Basketball HQ 09/02/2012

This is great for a player with a size or strength mismatch on his defender. If you can’t get the ball on the block right away look to the high post for the post feed. Don’t go away from the post up too quickly. The deeper the catch the easier it will be to finish the play. Don’t make the post man wait on the ball, give it to him right when he is open. See More

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