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Basketball Play - Box Angle Empty

Box Angle Empty

Diccon Lloyd-Smeath 05/24/2020

BC Rytas Vilnius head coach runs the most efficient ATO sets in the Lithuanian LKL. Rytas also lead the league in PPP (per Synergy) from the roll-man. This set is great way to get into an angle pick-and-roll early in your offense. If you have an elite playmaker at the 2 guard and a great short-roll decision-maker at the 5 position, this play is simple but veru tough to guard. See More

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Basketball Play - Triple/Double


Andrew Lacey 05/12/2020

Here is a nice 1-4 Low set that can be used as an ATO, late game or early offensive actions. This gives the offense multiple options versus pressure man or sagging man defensive schemes. It offers a quick ISO by the point and then it could end with a three from corner or post option of Hi/Lo for two. See More

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