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Basketball Play - Mustang Drill

Mustang Drill

Alan Peel 09/17/2014

This is a drill that can be run early in practice as a way to get players to work on fundamentals related to conditioning, passing, and finishing lay-ups. For more, check out the website, sign up for a membership and get your first 30 days free. See More

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Basketball Play - Randolph Drill

Randolph Drill

Fabian McKenzie 08/27/2014

This is a tremendous early season conditioning drill. It is a very tough drill to do when you stress that the players get to the corners and take no shortcuts. We will do this for 1 minute on each side building up to 3-4 minutes a side. You can choose the dribble moves they use and also what type of finish you would like at the rim. Lastly, once they know the drill, when you want to run sprints, suicides, lines, etc. think of running this instead. Lots of handling, passing and finishing. See More

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Basketball Play - Off the Ball 1 on 1 Drill

Off the Ball 1 on 1 Drill

Fabian McKenzie 07/04/2014

This is a good drill for players to work on getting open away from the ball. The defensive player must also work very hard to prevent 1 from making an easy catch. The passer must also work at delivering the pass on time and on target. You can play to a set score or a set number of stops. We will move spots on the floor to increase the difficulty for the offense or defense See More

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Basketball Play - 8-2


Daniel Murphy 10/19/2013

Use whatever defensive principles and offensive principles you teach. The defense can trap or play straight up. On a change of possession the offense goes to the last zone and each defensive team moves forward a zone with the first defensive team becoming to the new offense. Run this drill for 4-8 minutes and keep score. See More

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