France - BS Pin Rescreen Clear - FastModel Sports

Published 08/15/2024 by GameWrecker Basketball Favorite Send to FastDraw Print Embed

About This Play/Drill

The French men's national team ran this during the Paris Olympics. Utilizes a great screener at the 5 in multiple actions. The 4 can either be another big or a shooter to take away help on the roller.  

  • Basketball Play - France - BS Pin Rescreen Clear
  • Basketball Play - France - BS Pin Rescreen Clear
  • Basketball Play - France - BS Pin Rescreen Clear
  • Ballscreen moves the defense & the 4 can steal a layup on the cut if it's there. 
  • Pindown by the 5 frees up a shooter.
  • If no shot, the 5 rescreens the ball and rolls to the rim with the 4 taking their defender out of help position.