Golden State Warriors - Elbow Side - FastModel Sports

Published 05/17/2017 by Ryan Nguyen Favorite Send to FastDraw Print Embed

About This Play/Drill

This is a wrinkle out of an Elbow action that the Phoenix Suns used to run during the Seven Seconds or Less era. 

As 5 rolls to the basket, 4 sets a down screen for 2 (Klay Thompson) making it hard for the help defense to tag the roll as X2 and X4 are occupied with the downscreen action on the weakside. 4 can look to slip to the basket or lift high as X4 has rim protection duties. 

  • Basketball Play - Golden State Warriors - Elbow Side

    1 passes to 4. 1 downscreens for 2. 2 curls to basket.

  • Basketball Play - Golden State Warriors - Elbow Side

    4/1 DHO. 5 sets ball-screen for 1. 4 downscreens for 2. 5 rolls to basket.