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Basketball Play - Ballscreen Shooting (2)

Ballscreen Shooting (2)

Kyle Gilreath 02/13/2015

Yesterday I shared Part 1 of Ballscreen Shooting which incorporated three different types of screening actions. The technique the throw-behind in Frame 1, is essentially a quick evade dribble. You are trying to throw the ball out in front of you, in an effort to create separation from the hedging defender, while also making it difficult for the initial defender to recover in time before the quick release jumper. Do not allow your players to just go through the motions, set a goal to reach during each set. Example: You MUST go 7-for-10 before moving to the next sequence. See More

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Basketball Play - Pick & Roll Shooting Drill

Pick & Roll Shooting Drill

Kyle Gilreath 02/12/2015

This set of pick & roll shooting drills is one of my favorites for player development. There are 189 total moves below to work on different pick & roll coverages and methods of attack at the three most popular angles. In order to keep your workouts efficient and energetic, take just one action and focus on 3-4 moves within that action from all three angles. Do not allow your players to just go through the motions, set a goal to reach during each set. Example: You MUST make 7-10 before moving to the next sequence. See More

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Basketball Play - USA Shooting

USA Shooting

FastModel Sports 02/03/2015

Players 1, 2 & 3 pass & weave down the court, ending with a left handed lay-up. The two players who didn't shoot the lay-up recieve passes from Player 4 & Player 5 for 10-15ft jump shots. The player that shot the lay-up, along with Players 4 & 5, pass & weave to the other end of the floor. Drill continues with one lay-up & two jump shots on each end. See More

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Basketball Play - Continuous Shooting

Continuous Shooting

FastModel Sports 01/27/2015

This drill is all about getting shots up. Split your team into two groups at separate baskets, each side with four balls. Start with one line at the top of the key and another on the baseline. Each line has two balls. The player on the baseline starts by curling to the wing 10-15 feet from the basket. They receive a pass from the first player in the other line and proceed to take a jump shot and get their own rebound. Once a player makes the pass they curl to the wing for their own shot, receiving a pass from the next player in the opposite line. Each player gets their own rebound and returns to the opposite line from where they started. Each player gets two shots at each shooting position (left wing, top of the key, right wing) before the lines move to the next position. The drill is completed when the players shoot from each position (left wing, top of the key, right wing) two times. The teams at each basket are competing for the most makes…losing team runs. See More

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Basketball Play - Volume Shooting

Volume Shooting

Fabian McKenzie 09/10/2014

Player 1 will be the shooter 1 passes to 1 for a shot The passer runs to challenge the shot As soon as 1 shoots, the passer goes to rebound 2 passes to 1 who challenges 1's shot As soon as 1 shoots, 3 gets ready to pass. 3 passes and challenges the shot and the pattern continues You can run this with half of your team at each end or have your whole team at one end which gives 1 more shots See More

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Basketball Play - Volume Shooting

Volume Shooting

Fabian McKenzie 09/10/2014

Player 1 will be the shooter 1 passes to 1 for a shot The passer runs to challenge the shot As soon as 1 shoots, the passer goes to rebound 2 passes to 1 who challenges 1's shot As soon as 1 shoots, 3 gets ready to pass. 3 passes and challenges the shot and the pattern continues You can run this with half of your team at each end or have your whole team at one end which gives 1 more shots See More

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Basketball Play - Southern Shooting Drills #2

Southern Shooting Drills #2

Bert DeSalvo 08/27/2014

Intercept Drill Spot 1-Start at block, defensive slide to sideline Spot 2-Defensive slide back to the block Spot 3-Turn hips and sprint to elbow Spot 4-Open up (see ball under the rim) and sprint to half court corner Spot 5-Coach throws ball near half court corner, leading player to intercept the pass, once pass is intercepted, player drives the ball hard for a layup Spot 6-Defensive slide to sideline Spot 7-Defensive slide back to the block Spot 8-Turn hips and sprint to elbow Spot 9-Open up (see ball under the rim) and sprint to half court corner Spot 10-Coach throws ball near half court corner, leading player to intercept the pass, once pass is intercepted, player drives the ball hard for a layup Coaches can: 1. Time Drill 2. Shoot jump shots instead of layups See More

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