Charlotte Hornets "AI Ram"
08/26/2015A nice ballscreen set out of Iverson cut with a screen before the ballscreen to prevent a big from hedging. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawA nice ballscreen set out of Iverson cut with a screen before the ballscreen to prevent a big from hedging. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawQuick Hitter to get misdirection into a jump shot for the player that cuts off the Iverson Cut. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawAnytime play we call that has an Iverson cut will be named with a "3" preface. This is modeled after an Early Offense set the Spurs ran earlier this year. A 4 High formation that turns into an elevator screen, See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawThis BLOB set provides an opportunity to get your best shooter (2) an open 3-pointer on the perimeter. The early action and movement by 3 and 1 tries to get the defense more concerned about their movement and forget about 2. A great "counter" option for this set is to occasionally pass it to 3 as he makes his Iverson cut. He will have an open side of the floor to attack. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawSide elevator to get a 3 point look. Play begins with a zipper looking like the Spurs "loop." After intitial zipper, the Iverson cut fakes a set up for a side ball screen, while the shooter goes through the side elevator. Lots of misdirection in this set. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawThis week I am going to share a series of plays that begin with rhody cuts. I term a rhody cut a cut from wing to wing above both elbows, usually off a screen or rub from one or both bigs. Some may refer to this action as an Iverson cut. This first action is a simple one without a lot of moment that gives your point guard a rim attack. If X4 of X2 sinks down to prevent the lay-up, look to skip to the opposite corner to 2. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawPlay run by the French U19 women's team in the championship game vs. the United States. The game was competitive in the first half. This play has an Iverson cut, rip screen, and is tied up with a screen the screener. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawAnother finish to the Miami Heat's dribble handoff, Iverson cut entry. This time they hit the first screener on the iverson cut popping back to the ball. 2 follows his pass and gets a short pass back from 4 moving to the open side of the floor. He drives it deep as 1 cracks back to set a deep side ball screen in the mid range area. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawThe Miami Heat loved to enter their offense with a dribble handoff into an iverson cut. This set ends with the 2 who set a screen in the iverson cut, cracking back to set a ball screen for #6 Lebron James to an open side of the floor. Using the screen to get deep then the 4 who set the last screen in the iverson cut comes and sets a ball screen at a really deep angle. Tough to defend. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawThe Miami Heat run a lot of stuff to get Lebron James a catch in the middle of the floor. Here they use a zipper action to clear out Chalmers or Cole and to get the ball to James. The PG runs off an Iverson cut after giving the ball up to James to clear the side. The 2 man in this case Wade would come ball screen after setting the Iverson and then spread to the opposite side of the floor. If James still hasn't created anything the 4 man, Chris Bosh after setting his Iverson screen would come over and set a ball screen with the entire left side of the floor cleared for a 2 man game. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawThe Miami Heat ran this play to get Lebron James running off an Iverson Cut. Wade who is the 2 man follows James' Iverson cut and dribbles the ball to the top of the key. Miami uses James star power as a mis-direction and as Wade dribbles to the top following James the 5 man sets a cross screen in the lane for Chris Bosh who just got done screening for James on the Iverson cut. Wade turns back and passes to Bosh popping to the cleared out side. See More
Favorite Send to FastDraw"Off" is another great set to run as a counter if your team has an offense that incorporates the Iverson cut. One of the strongest parts of this set the spacing and the opportunities that the offense has as a result. 5 ducking in hard in front of the rim is a great option and 2 has a lot of room to create coming off of the ball screen. This is a great way to get a good look while giving your players a good amount of freedom. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawA great action to run out of iverson action. A slip and stick is where the 5 slips the first on balll scree, and the 4 follows up with a PNR. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawKansas State used this at the end of its OT win against #4 Kansas. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawHere's a nice play that clears the paint for a tunnel drive. See More
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