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Basketball Play - Overload Clear Out

Overload Clear Out

Matt Hackenberg 04/08/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set to create some space for an elite driver. It has some movement, but is reletively simple. It creates a lot of space, clearing out the entire side for the driver instead of leaving a shooter in the corner to make a decision. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGo Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - High Ball Screen Throwback Chicago

High Ball Screen Throwback Chicago

Matt Hackenberg 04/08/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set with some nice false action to get to a gap drive. I'm a big fan of using the pin down into the DHO action, so adding a little more misdirection with the ball screen throwback makes the set even more interesting to me. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGo Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - Triple Brush

Triple Brush

Matt Hackenberg 04/08/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a gap drive set. I've honestly never seen a triple brush screen before viewing this set. Take a look at the video. I think it could work if executed well. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGo Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - UConn Huskies WBB - Triangle

UConn Huskies WBB - Triangle

Rory Hamilton 04/01/2022

Initial Set-up: Slots and Wings with 5 at the nail. Play can be run to either side. Play is initiated with a pass to the wing. UCLA screen by the 5 for the 1. After setting the UCLA screen, the 5 pops out for ball reversal. On the 5's catch, it triggers actions on both side of the court. A back screen ball side, and a flare screen on the weakside. The 5 immediately runs a DHO with the 1 and then comes off a ball screen. The 1 should read the PNR along with the 2 and 4 staying spaced and ready to shoot on the weak side. See More

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Basketball Play - Circle Up Clear Out

Circle Up Clear Out

Matt Hackenberg 03/31/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play to clear out the defense for a drive from the point guard. This is kind of like the barking dog play - "hey, look over here so we can do something else." If the circle up draws enough attention, it may work every once in a while. This is best used in a series of plays that all start out of this alignment, with this play being more of a "special" for end of quarters. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - Flare Cross STS

Flare Cross STS

Matt Hackenberg 03/31/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play with a few different options. Entering the ball to the elbow isn't as easy as it looks, but if you can get the ball there, it opens up some options. The flare stretches the defense side to side, and the back screen into the screen the screener can punish the defense whether they switch the screens or get through. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - Chin Re-Screen

Chin Re-Screen

Matt Hackenberg 03/31/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play out of the Princeton alignment. This set capitalizes on the normal chin action in the offense to throw the defense for a loop by re-screening to the top of the key. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - UCLA Slice

UCLA Slice

Matt Hackenberg 03/31/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play out of a 1-2-2 alignment. This play has intelligent design. The down screens (not shown in the diagram) allow for clean wing catch. The UCLA screen allows the ball to be reversed cleanly. The slice screen is little on big, so the defense will have a hard time switching it. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - Box Down Slip Duck

Box Down Slip Duck

Matt Hackenberg 03/31/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play out of a box alignment. This play is pretty easy to execute, and uses screening to be able to catch the entry pass in a great location to feed the post. The slip into the duck puts the defense to sleep before punching it inside. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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