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Basketball Play - Horns Set: Push Gate Double Away Iso

Horns Set: Push Gate Double Away Iso

Matt Hackenberg 05/13/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play out of the horns alignment. The dribble push and gate action just set up the spacing to create a driving gap. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - 4 Out DHO Brush Weave

4 Out DHO Brush Weave

Matt Hackenberg 05/13/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play out of a 4 Out alignment. The set uses a brush screen to start the action and then two dribble hand offs, leading to a gap for a penetrator to attack downhill. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - Euro Ball Screen PG Iso

Euro Ball Screen PG Iso

Matt Hackenberg 05/13/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play out of a the Euro Ball Screen Offense. This set breaks the pattern of the usual offense to provide a triple gap drive for the point guard to attack. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - Post Continuity Offense "Tight"

Post Continuity Offense "Tight"

Matt Hackenberg 05/02/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a continuity offense to play through the post. This is an old school offense featuring lots of post up opportunities and high/low looks. If you like simple concepts and want to play through the post, this is a good option. Here is the breakdown drill to work on this concept in practice. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - UCLA High/Low Duck

UCLA High/Low Duck

Matt Hackenberg 04/27/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play to get the ball inside. The UCLA screen does a good job loosening up the defense to allow the ball to get to the high post. A well timed duck in on the back side creates the post up. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - 41 Slice Double Stagger

41 Slice Double Stagger

Matt Hackenberg 04/26/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play out of a 4-out alignment. The slice screen into the stagger is not original, but I think hard curling the first stagger and then running a second stagger is very interesting. It may take some time to develop, but I think it's likely the second player off the staggers can be open. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - Zip Iverson Clear Euro

Zip Iverson Clear Euro

Matt Hackenberg 04/26/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play out of a 1-3-1 alignment. The set has plenty of movement and creates an opportunity for a playmaking guard to attack on the clear out, and also has a shooter dragging behind the play. The sideline penetration makes it very hard to keep track of the shooter behind the play. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - Stagger Spread Flare Shake

Stagger Spread Flare Shake

Matt Hackenberg 04/26/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play out of a set play using a stagger screen to try to get an initial look for shooter, then transitioning into a spread ball screen with a shake from behind the ball screen and flare in front of the ball screen. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - Box Iverson STS

Box Iverson STS

Matt Hackenberg 04/25/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play out of a box alignment. I like how quickly this set play gets to the point. Screen the screener actions can be tough to defend, especially for teams that get through off the ball screens. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - 41 Stagger Twirl

41 Stagger Twirl

Matt Hackenberg 04/25/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play out of a 4 around 1 alignment. I really like this action, flowing the set one way, and then coming back behind the play for a clever screen. I think this action will produce a shot or a close out to attack if executed well. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - Horns BS Flare Stagger

Horns BS Flare Stagger

Matt Hackenberg 04/25/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play in the half court. The ball screen sets up a flare into an empty side. If the flare doesn't product a shot, a stagger is set on the other side Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - Princeton Stack Forward Iso

Princeton Stack Forward Iso

Matt Hackenberg 04/18/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at an isolation drive out of the Princeton alignment. The set uses a series of back screens to create movement, and then slip the ball right in the middle of the floor to a post to isolate. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - Princeton Chin Elbow Iso

Princeton Chin Elbow Iso

Matt Hackenberg 04/18/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at set play out of a Princeton alignment. This is the standard chin and false go, action except we hit the big at the elbow and let them go to work. This pass is open a lot because teams use x5 to help on the cutting and screening action so often. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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Basketball Play - Box Elbow Fake Hand Off Elevator

Box Elbow Fake Hand Off Elevator

Matt Hackenberg 04/18/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play out of a box alignment for an iso driving lane. The set uses a elevator screen to occupy defenders in order to maintain space for an elbow drive. The timing is a little clunky, but a playmaking forward should be able to work with the elbow isolation this set creates. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO Find me on all my platforms - Linktree See More

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