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Basketball Play - Mover Blocker (LANE-WIDE)

Mover Blocker (LANE-WIDE)

Randy Sherman 03/05/2015

In the lane-wide alignment of the Mover Blocker offense, there is one lane screener just as in lane-lane. There is a wide screener that can screen from midline to sideline on his/her side of the floor. It is a good way to add spacing to the offense, utilize a skilled forward and add more variety to the screening options Rules: Lane Blocker must remain on his/her side of the floor and screen for movers ONLY along the lane line. Wide Blocker can set up inside or outside and can screen from midline to sideline on their side of the court. They should screen and separate and play outside the three-point line. Movers pass and cut and maintain top-side-side alignment while using screens from the blockers. READ the defense, curl, back cut and out cut depending on how the defense covers the screening action This is not a patterned offense! Players play within the rules and concepts. In the video below, #11 Evan Nolte is the "wide" screener. See More

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Basketball Play - Mover Blocker (LANE-LANE)

Mover Blocker (LANE-LANE)

Randy Sherman 03/05/2015

A basic summary of the Virginia Cavaliers Mover-Blocker Offense (Lane-Lane mode, their most common alignment) Rules: The three "movers" (colored in pink) cut and fill maintaining top-side-side alignment. The point and each wing should be filled by the movers. In "lane-lane" the blockers are restricted to screening along the lane line extended for the movers. They can set flare screens for a player cutting off the point, they can set pin screens for cutters exiting the lane. They can downscreen for movers. Anytime a mover pin screens along the lane lane, he then immediately buries his man and posts up Blockers cannot change sides of the the floor or screen for one another Think of it as a game of 3-on-3 among the movers and the defenders with screening help from the blockers along the lane line Movers center the basketball so the ball can see both actions. Any questions about motion offense or basketball x's&o's in general: See More

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Basketball Play - Flex & Flare (Double Away)

Flex & Flare (Double Away)

Randy Sherman 02/26/2015

A way to get more double screens and flare screens into a flex-style continuity offense. Passes trigger actions by following these rules: Rule: Any pass from high elbow to wing triggers a double screen away! Rule: Any pass from wing to high elbow triggers a weakside flare screen! Rule: Any high elbow to high elbow pass triggers the flex & flare action! ANYTIME you set a backscreen for a flex cutter, you immediately arc wide and flare screen for the high elbow See More

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Basketball Play - Motion Offense Breakdowns - 2/1 Downscreen

Motion Offense Breakdowns - 2/1 Downscreen

Randy Sherman 02/19/2015

This drill begins teaching cutters the reads needed to execute the four cuts of motion offense. Screener (1) begins with ball and passes to coach. Begin to add defense as a progression in motion offense breakdowns: Use a coach as a passer Only defend the wing (cutter) At first, tell defender how you want them to defend the downscreen. They can lock and trail, overplay high, go under (ballside) or get taken out by screen. Cutter gets the shot. Emphasize second cutting action by the screener in accordance with inside-outside principles. For the next progression, the drill should be run "live." Same drill except the defender can play the screen however. See More

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Basketball Play - "BLUE"


Randy Sherman 02/19/2015

Duke set they've been running since the Elton Brand, Shane Battier, Sheldon Williams, Jay Williams, JJ Redick days. Ran tonight vs. UNC. Look for lob after side is cleared out Then hi-lo action or a high ball screen looking to turn corner and draw defender. See More

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Basketball Play - Motion Breakdowns 2/0 Shallow Cut Flare Drill

Motion Breakdowns 2/0 Shallow Cut Flare Drill

Randy Sherman 02/16/2015

Introduce flare screens by using a shallow cut. Line of players with a ball at the slot (screeners), Line of players at wing (cutters). Coach begins the drill with a ball as well. Work the drill on both sides of the court! Shallow Cut Tips: When dribbled at, the wing (player 2) back cuts towards the post then loops to the slot replacing player 1 Cut hard, hold for a count in the post, then sprint to slot Flare Screen Tips: Cutter: Quick basket cut then come off the flare screen Screener: Call the screen! ("Joey! Joey! Flare! Flare!") Screener: Jumpstop into the screen, screener's back should be pointing towards corner of the court, Hold the screen then slip to basket, call "slip! slip!" See More

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Basketball Play - Motion Breakdowns - 2/0 Downscreen

Motion Breakdowns - 2/0 Downscreen

Randy Sherman 02/12/2015

Motion Breakdowns: 2/0 downscreen with a coach is the first drill used in teaching the timing of downscreens. Coach is on left slot with a basketball. Screener has a ball on right slot. Player on the wing (2) will be receiving downscreen. Drill begins with a pass to the coach from screener. (Coach briefly has two basketballs) Screener must basket cut by stepping hard with near foot (you want the defense to jump ball side so you have clear path and screening angle.) Cutter begins "walking the arc" to set up cut. Screener jump stops into the screen. TALK! "Joey! Joey! Downscreen" Cutter excutes either curl, back, out or straight cut! TALK! "Curl! curl! Curl!" RULE: if the cutter makes an inside cut, the screener makes an outside cut and vice versa! (concept of second cutters) Coach passes first to cutter then to screener. Work drill on both sides of the floor. If you run motion these are your basic shooting drills! These are your game shots, from game spots at game speed! See More

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Basketball Play - Motion Breakdowns - 1/0 With Chair

Motion Breakdowns - 1/0 With Chair

Randy Sherman 02/12/2015

Motion Breakdowns: To begin teaching the four basic cuts of motion offense (curl, back, out, straight) use a folding chair to simulate the screener setting a downscreen. Players on the wing have a ball, they pass to coach/Asst./Mgr./player who is centered. Stress setting up the cut by "walking the arc" then sprinting the cut. Miss the chair late! Call your cut! Teach the two inside cuts (curl, back) first. Work the drill on both sides or the floor. You can have four folding chairs and four lines on a single court with players rotating from line to line. Drill should be LOUD with players calling cuts! If you run motion, this is your most basic shooting drill. Do it daily. These are your game shots! See More

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Basketball Play - 5-Out Zone Continuity Offense ("cutters")

5-Out Zone Continuity Offense ("cutters")

Randy Sherman 02/12/2015

This is a simple five-out zone continutiy offense vs. 2-3 zone. It is designed to involve all players in short corner, high post. Good for a team with interchangable parts. Rules: After you pass from point to wing you flare away When the ball is passed from point to wing the player in the opposite corner flashes If the ball is on the wing, the weakside wing cuts to short corner and holds there so long as the ball remains on the wing. When the ball is at the point, the team is five-out Action repeats with every ball reversal! See More

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