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Basketball Play - Pin Down Post Iso Play

Pin Down Post Iso Play

Basketball HQ 09/15/2012

This play can be run for a big man or a guard but the reason you would run it is to take advantage of a size match up. If you feel that a player can take his defender in the post let him set the pin down screen and then post up. The deeper you set the pin down screen the closer your post up will be. Don’t make the post man wait on the pass, hit him as soon as he is open.This play is from the 2007-2008 Chicago Bulls season. See More

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Basketball Play - Baseline Screens 2

Baseline Screens 2

Scott Peterman 08/31/2012

Today's post from Men's Basketball Hoop Scoop is a Baseline screen action that got the University of Kentucky into their Dribble Drive Offense. Even if you don't run dribble drive motion offense, it's a great set play to get space going to the basket. I think that you will like it. See More

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