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Basketball Play - Motion Breakdowns - 3/1 Live

Motion Breakdowns - 3/1 Live

Randy Sherman 03/25/2015

3/1 Live (Part of Motion Offense Forum Drill Progressions) Objective: To use motion offense concepts to free the cutter for a basket. In this drill there are two screeners and one cutter (2) in each offensive group. The cutter is defended by X2. Diagrammed below are two of the nearly endless options that could come into play. There is now way to completely diagram all of the screens, cuts, reads and actions possible in this drill. The screeners' objective is to free the cutter (2) for a basket using motion offense concepts and maintianing top-side-side alignment. This is live and competiive drill. Drill Restrictions: Only the cutter can score. Offense must complete two passes BEFORE the cutter gets a touch. (This puts emphasis on second cutters!) The score must come from the screening action, not one-on-one play Competiive Ideas: On a 12-player roster, divide your team into four three-player groups. Set 8:00 (or a time of your choosing) on the clock. If your cutter scores with screening action, that team gets a point and stays on offense. A defender comes from the next team to guard the groups cutter. If that defender can force a stop and get the rebound, his/her team rotates to offense and now has opportunity to score points. Track each team's points. Variations: Start the ball on the wing instead of the top of the circle. Use shallow cuts to start the drill. Allow the offense to pass it to a coach at any time in the drill. can introduce staggers, baseline double, or dual screens to the drill. Side note: Have an assitant coach the defender! The defender will literally encounter dozens of defensive stances, close outs, denials and scenarios in each possession. See More

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Basketball Play - SDSU Short Corner Post Dive

SDSU Short Corner Post Dive

Wes Kosel 03/21/2015

San Diego State opened up the game with this play and forced St. John's to foul at the rim. The play starts with a pass entry to the wing then a loop by the point guard down to the rim and back out to the perimeter. 4 gets the ball in the short corner and looks for an opening to make a move for a shot. If 4 doesn't have anything, he looks to pass to 2 cutting off of a flare screen from the point guard or hit 5 diving to the basket. See More

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Basketball Play - Iowa Low Stacks Flare

Iowa Low Stacks Flare

Wes Kosel 03/21/2015

Iowa ran this play in the second half to get an open lay-up for Aaron White. The play starts with 2 low stacks. White (5) pops out to the perimeter. If he has a shot here he can take it. If not, 4 sets a flare-screen for 1. 5 passes to 1 on the wing. Once 1 has the ball, 5 cuts off of a back-screen from 2. In the game, 1 hits White on the cut for a lay-up. If White isn't open, 1 can pass to 2 cutting up off of a down-screen from 4. See More

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Basketball Play - WVU Flare

WVU Flare

Andrew Greer 03/20/2015

WVU used this set to start their Round 2 game against Buffalo. The Mountaineers came out and jumped to a 3-0 lead using this quick hitter. Huggins is known for his 5 out motion offense but the use of this quick hitter caught the Bulls help side defenders in poor positioning. The cross followed by flare screen gave WVU and early, wide open 3. See More

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Basketball Play - Butler Point Flare

Butler Point Flare

Wes Kosel 03/19/2015

Butler used this play mid-way through the second half and got a good look on dribble penetration after the flare screen. The play starts with dribble entry to the right as 2 and 3 switch sides of the floor. The first scoring option is 3 in the corner for a shot. If that isn't open, 1 passes to 4 at the opposite elbow. From here, 4 can shoot if open or take his man to the basket. The third scoring option is to pass to 1 flaring to the wing. If the flare isn't open, the Butler guards put the ball on the floor and drive baseline. At the same time, 5 takes his defender out of the play by posting up under the basket. See More

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