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Basketball Play - Melo-Iso


Kyle Gilreath 02/28/2013

The New York Knicks ran this action this week in their win over the Golden State Warriors. This play was designed as an iso for Carmelo Anthony but with the defense focusing on the 1-on-1 action the Knicks players do a tremendous job cutting to open areas on the floor. See More

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Basketball Play - Washington Huskies Elbow Set

Washington Huskies Elbow Set

Dana Beszczynski 02/15/2013

Washington Huskies Coach Lorenzo Romar has a lot of experience working with some of the best big men in the game and this set is a good one run for the son of former NBA All-Star Shawn Kemp Shawn Kemp Jr. at 6'9 255 pounds does a good job of sealing his man in the paint using his size and strength to receive the pass in a good position to score See More

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