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Basketball Play - Boston Celtics Slice Roll

Boston Celtics Slice Roll

Craig LeVasseur 04/16/2015

This Slice option for the Celtics was a quick hitter that could be run at any time in early offense and didn’t need to be a called set. It is a quick reversal to the 3, into a Side P/R. With Pierce at the 3, there are a number of threats here that are difficult to guard. When KG is at the 4, the Pick and Pop is difficult to guard. If x2 pulls in to defend against the duck-in from 5, Ray Allen is sitting in the corner waiting to strike. See More

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Basketball Play - Boston Celtics Slice Double

Boston Celtics Slice Double

Craig LeVasseur 04/16/2015

With Ray Allen at the 2, new Slice options are introduced to provide him with catch and shoot opportunities. In Slice Double, the initial action is the same, but it is a setup to get Allen’s defender on the high side in the post, at which time he reverses back off a stagger screen from 4 and 5 with his defender trailing. See More

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Basketball Play - Boston Celtics Slice 1

Boston Celtics Slice 1

Craig LeVasseur 04/16/2015

Rajon Rondo’s size often led to mismatches, and this Slice variation used by the Celtics allowed him to call his own number and get a good post up opportunity on the block. The setup looks exactly like regular Slice, but the 2 man rejects the flex screen, allowing Rondo to slip around the 5 and seal his defender. See More

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