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Basketball Play - Chicago Bulls "Wiper (Late Game)"

Chicago Bulls "Wiper (Late Game)"

Gibson Pyper 02/04/2016

Late in games when the Bulls are trailing or in need of a 3 point shot, they run this action for Butler. Butler sets a ballscreen for the point guard on the wing and then cuts off a flare screen from the trailing big (think 21 action). After the point guard clears the ballscreen he attacks baseline as a decoy, the big fakes chasing the point guard for a ballscreen and turns to rescreen Butler cutting back to the ball. See More

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Basketball Play - Philadelphia 76ers - EOG

Philadelphia 76ers - EOG

Lucas Shapiro 02/02/2016

Considering the time and score, the Golden State Warriors wanted to play sound defense and definitely not give up a three-pointer. At the same time, they did not want to give up a lob, which would have taken very little time off of the clock. This end of game set gave the 76ers both options and they took the corner three-pointer from an Isaiah Canaan who was on fire. This is a sideline out of bounds set to run when you need some quick points at the end of a game. See More

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