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Basketball Play - Horns 1-4 Screen (2 plays)

Horns 1-4 Screen (2 plays)

Greg White 05/27/2014

This is a different take on the ball screen. In this set the PG is the one setting the screen. Most of us practice with the PG getting screened for, thus the PG defender getting screened. Here the defender will likely hedge late, if at all, allowing 4 to turn the corner for a 2-1 situation at the rim. See More

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Basketball Play - Waggle


Greg White 02/20/2015

4 screens down for 2. 2 rejects and comes off a waggle cut off 5's screen. 3 uses the pindown screen set by 4 5 "flips" the screen to set up a baseline attack for 2. 1 gets a flare screen from 3 and 4 sets a screen for 3 in the screen the screener action See More

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