CSKA Moscow - Ram Double Drag - FastModel Sports

Published 09/03/2024 by Stavros Evgeneiadis Favorite Send to FastDraw Print Embed

About This Play/Drill

A very nice action from CSKA Moscow. Entry pass to 4 who swings the ball to 2. Same time 1 sets a ram screen to 5 and opens at the opposite corner. The play ends with a double drag action. Video clip below.

  • Basketball Play - CSKA Moscow - Ram Double Drag
  • Basketball Play - CSKA Moscow - Ram Double Drag
  • Basketball Play - CSKA Moscow - Ram Double Drag
  • Entry Pass to 4.

  • 4 dribbles to 2 & passes to him, 1 sets a ram screen to 5 and opens at the opposite corner.

  • Double Drag, 5 dives in while 4 pops out.